Eubelius supports 'Teach for Belgium' as part of Studio Brussel's 'Warmste Week' campaign

8 December 2016

Brussels, 8 December 2016. This year, Eubelius will be organising a range of activities in connection with Studio Brussel's 'Warmste Week' campaign for the fourth year in a row. All proceeds will go to Teach for Belgium, Eubelius's preferred humanitarian partner for 2016–2017.

Teach for Belgium and Eubelius first became partners this year. Teach for Belgium aims to give young people from disadvantaged backgrounds the best possible opportunities by selecting motivated and promising candidates, training them, mentoring them and deploying them as teaching staff in schools with the greatest needs. Teach for Belgium’s long term goal is to form an association of alumni who possess the necessary experience and skills to dedicate themselves further in their professional carrier for a fairer and more inclusive education system.

At the end of 2010, Eubelius created the think tank/campaign group 'Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen' (Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship; 'CSR'). The partnership with Teach for Belgium is linked to this initiative, and falls under the baseline that Eubelius uses in order to streamline its CSR activities: 'Eubelius supports young talent'.

In practice, this means that Eubelius is organising a range of events at its offices in Brussels, Kortrijk and Antwerp, the proceeds from which will go to Teach for Belgium (via Studio Brussel's 'Warmste Week'). On Friday 16 December 2016, we are turning the central heating down a few degrees for our warm jumper day, after which all colleagues, their families and the Eubelius alumni will spend a pleasant evening warming themselves up at a Christmas market. At our annual Christmas party on 17 December 2016, we will hold a tombola that gives participants the chance to win some great prizes, including an artwork by Dirk Schellekens. We will conclude our series of events with the second edition of Eubelius's Big Spaghetti Festival on Monday 19 December 2016.

'These events are a great opportunity for our lawyers to get to know the people behind Teach for Belgium better. It is always touching to see how enthusiastic everyone is about making their own personal contribution. What truly makes this initiative worthwhile in our eyes is that we can also support other good causes and partners through the various activities we organise, including Poverello vzw and ReFresh XL vzw,' says Marieke Wyckaert, partner at Eubelius.

Sophie Buysse from Teach for Belgium describes the partnership with Eubelius as follows: 'Whenever I talk to Marieke Wyckaert or her colleagues at Eubelius, I can see how committed they are about overcoming challenges faced by society today. We are so grateful for this collaboration at Teach for Belgium, because Eubelius supports young talent. We are joining forces to try to make this ambition a reality.'

Press contact:
Mehdi van der Haegen, marketing manager, Tel.: +32 2 543 32.14,